Indian Politics & Animal Farm
In the 1945 novel named Animal Farm, a group of animals free themselves from the humans (farmer Mr. Jones and his men) , and then start running it themselves with a new set of laws . The slogan was raised as for their freedom “four legs good, two legs bad”, just to give message that the next leadership will work for animal’s benefit only.
seven commandments of new leadership decided as below: ( bold/italic part is manipulated later)
1.Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
2.Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
3.No animal shall wear clothes.
4.No animal shall sleep in a bed — with sheets.
5.No animal shall drink alcohol — To access.
6.No animal shall kill any other animal — without cause.
7.All animals are equal — But some are more equal than others.
But they have to grapple with the fact that the old tyrannical order returns under new rulers — the pigs. There is no longer any difference between them and humans.
While characters in books are not directly resembling to any politician directly, but the situation is quite similar.
I am not able to map all of these commandments, but major ones, I can see a clear analogy.
- Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy:
It is not about ruling party/people, it’s about all. People took their side and treat other side a clear enemy. Either it’s Hindu Muslim sides, BJP/congress sides, Dalit/Non-Dalit sides or even Men/Women sides. For Indian politicians , two leg side enemy is anyone who is on their way to Power.
It doesn’t matter , if you are a ex-party man or current senior leader, if you are not moving with their agenda, you are two leg enemy.
2. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend:
This is also very interesting. X in congress , he was enemy for BJP, but as soon as X join BJP, he is friend or vice-versa.
Four leg friend is anyone , who will help any party for Power, Vote bank. It can be any person, any event(good or bad) or any policy. As soon as it’s benefiting to remain/bring in power, it will be treated as friend.
Politician using institutions, riots, police and power to remain/come in power.
3. No animal shall kill any other animal-without cause:
The original rule was “ No animal shall kill any other animal”. But in novel, napoleon wants to remain in Power. So, law was upgraded and “without cause” is added. Fun fact is, that napoleon will decide, if it was right cause or not.
Similarly, politically motivated people are lynching each other. Politician are garlanding them. While we are violating the basic rule, that No Indian should Kill any other Indian. But politically motivated people or ill minded people, modified this rule. They added their agenda as a cause here.
4. All animals are equal — But some are more equal than others:
On the same ground that “some are more equal than others”. Though time to time, politicians claim not to support nepotism. But Again , in each party or each position/department, we can see Nepotism.
Party chief, PM/CM, cabinet ministers, cricket boards, food corporation, travel corporation , any institution, the appointments are made based on Family relation, party relation, friend relation , cast or religion.
Similarly , in Judiciary, few people spend years to get justice, but for few, court opened up in Mid night too.
The last one , though it’s not any commandment. In Novel, any time napoleon took any dictator decision and any animal try to oppose it , the sheep(Napoleon own IT cell) will start shouting “four legs good, two legs bad”. Likewise, anytime in India, if you don’t like any decision and will speak against it, slogans will be raised as “ Bharat Mata ki Jai” or “Jai Shree Ram”. Or someone will teach you that this is for benefit of the country aka Rashtr-Nirman.
Like Animal farm, leader are modifying law, not for prosperity of country or country men, but just to remain in Power and enjoy lavish life.