India: Hyper-Nationalism suppressing patriotism
Crushing all criticism against the ruling party, and the critics will be labeled as Anti-Nationalist.
I often share stories, news, and opinions relevant to the Public. Surely, often get criticized too, as in most of these I am questioning the Indian Government.
Self-described nationalists have accused me many times as Anti National, SICKULAR, or CHAMCHA. And recently someone from my contact list messaged me abusively, just for criticizing the Government.
“In a country where people are afraid of criticizing the government, many things must be going horrible! In such countries, people must know that a society of cowards will always be remembered as a society of honourless people!” — ― Mehmet Murat ildan
Diversity, Debate, Criticism make a country stronger. But our society is not ready right now for any type of criticism against Government or BJP or Modi. Because BJP has developed a mindset that Anti-BJP is Anti-Hindu, Anti-Modi is Anti-Hindu, Anti-Government is Anti-National.
They are spending huge money to brainwash the common people. Parties are working as corporate companies, spending money just to remain in power, not for development, or for common people(FULL ROI).
I was trying to be nationalist now, and with the help of my nationalist friends, I prepare one list, how someone can be a nationalist in the present Indian society.
- Don’t talk about Government Failures, means any of its failure (Demonetization, Black Money, 15 Lac, global hunger index, Democracy index, Press Freedom index, etc.)
- Don’t say Mahatma Gandhi is the father of the nation, praise Nathu Ram Godse.
- Don’t talk about the rights of minorities, otherwise, you are SICKULAR.
- Don’t talk about peace with neighboring countries, don’t talk about the political solution on the border.
- Don’t Question Poor handling of health facilities, handling of Migrants & Labourers during Covid-19.
- Meanwhile, You can criticize State Governments. Sorry, Non-BJP State Governments.
7. Blame Nehru or Indira for Every problem in India. We already knew this and that’s why we chose BJP in 2014 and thrown Congress out of power.
8. Don’t talk about Corruption and Nepotism in the BJP Party.
I tried to follow these steps for becoming nationalist, but this is something completely contrary to my ideology, which is not possible to adapt.
I really think the government is indulging in propaganda and spreading misinformation for COVID, border Situations, and many others. I have respect for the PM and everyone should have. But I feel very sad that he is misleading the country, just to gain long term power. As a patriot, I have all the right to question my Government, my PM, and the country’s administration. If you want to label me, keep doing. I will keep sharing my opinion for a peaceful, progressive society and nation.
Jai Hind!!!