Covid19 India: The lack of faith in the system
Even after a long lockdown of more than 60 days, the curve of COVID infections refuse to flatten and the curve of GDP is flattened. The health infrastructure retains massive gaps, throughout the country. Even in the national capital, people are dying because they cannot get beds.
The poor have already shifted to unhygienic crowded quarantine centers and which are not shifted, are forced to stand in lines for hours for every meal, struggling against exhaustion and heat as they walked hundreds of kms to return home, or being deprived of food and water on trains. Millions of jobs are already lost, and the next worry is the surge of mass hunger and further unemployment.
There was no action plan before Lockdown, during lockdown and even after lockdown. We lost people on roads, on tracks and in cities (dying due to hunger).
When we question about failures of government, supporters will ask to just see the intentions of Govt and not results.
Okay, let’s talk about intentions.
No responsible press briefing by PM Modi, other than few event announcements during the different lockdowns.
Now, cases in India are increasing daily and there is no press conference even by health minister since last month. Isn’t it the responsibility of the health minister? Even daily case and action plan briefing stopped by the Health secretary.
Our beloved home minister is working as BJP president and busy in election rallies for Bihar and W.Bengal.
Our People’s choice best CM is asking Delhi’s people to stay at home and order no testing without any serious symptoms. Normal people are getting results for Covid-19 in weeks, Mr CM got results just in a few hours.
Similarly, Mr Scindia and His mother were admitted to being ‘suspected’ for Covid-19 infection.
Despite being several Red zones, Govts(all) open liquor shops. And now, India is predicting its peak case in Mid-July.
For almost two months, even no one checked for poor migrants, who were dying on roads. But now, the LCD is reaching each part of Bihar and W.bengal for elections. So, should we trust the intentions of this govt?
We(all) donated thousands of crore for PM Cares Fund, but the fund is not even under RTI now. Wasn’t it a public fund? Which is claimed to be a private fund now. Even after Pm cares Fund , the migrants and the poor are dying due to Hunger.So, should we trust the intentions of this govt?
So, was this fund for Gujrat Rajyasabha and Bihar election?
When we try to question, we will be asked to compare the situation with West countries. The countries, where per million tests are comparatively high, how can we compare results with them?
I want to trust Govt's intentions, but Govt should guarantee that every person, regardless of class, would be entitled to the same quality of quarantine facilities, the same quality of treatment during this tough time.
There is an Indian phrase for such a situation, a phrase that is already on the lips of every Indian nowadays: “Bhagwan Bharose” (“With faith in God”). It is not an expression of faith in the rule of heaven, but an expression of a lack of faith in their Govt, the present state and center Govts, the Indian Administration, The India Health System, and The Politicians.